Monday, January 9, 2012


My husband's grandma has a fantastic retired life.  She enjoys her days doing whatever her heart desires with her cute dogs by her side and every other year she gets to go to Hawaii for a vacation.  This isn't the typical vacation that you or I would plan for; she's enjoying the island for a month at a time.  What a lucky lady!  She asked me to make her some easle cards to take with her and send out to family and friends while she's there.  I also made a different one for her to send out to her friend who she's going with.  I'm sure she'll have a great trip.  I'll be looking at these images, thinking of the sun while I watch the frost melt off my windows.  I can't wait to see her pictures when she gets back and hear all of her stories of their adventures. 

I used the Hula Anya stamp from TGF (The Greeting Farm) and got to use my cousins copic markers to color these ladies.  I then used my atyou spica pens to add some glitter to their hair, flowers, and grass skirts.  I'm thinking I need to make one extra for my collection, I love the way they turned out.  They each have matching 5x5 envelopes with them (not shown).

1 comment:

  1. very very cute!!! I bet she is going to have a great time in Hawaii and love your cards!
