Monday, May 9, 2011

Painting - sure... why not!?!

My husband's boss had his granddaughter's over last weekend and they painted like most tween girls like to do.  He gave me a board that his oldest granddaughter had splatter painted and asked me to put my touch on it.  His only stipulation was that it had to go up and down lengthwise.  There's a special spot in the green house I want to put it he said.  He showed me where and as I walked through his green house, it became very apparent to me how much these grand children mean to him.  There are 3 painted signs with each girls name written on it and their height for this year, each of them painted a planter box in the color that corresponded with their height sign.  and to top off all the cuteness, all 3 of the girls planted sunflower seeds, the youngest with the smallest growing sunflowers, the middle with the average, and the oldest with the giant.  How sweet.  So after seeing this and knowing these girls and the other women in his life are important, we chatted about a few ideas and this was the final outcome...


Simple enough, I wrote papa's girls in fonts from ashlyn's alphabet outlined with silver 3-d puff paint.  With white 3-d puff paint around the border, I continuously wrote his wife, daughter, step-daughter, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter's names. 


  1. I bet he loved it. A keepsake for sure. Thank you for sharing.

    Happy crafting


  2. I love this! You made it super special! You have an eye for detail! I love the puff paint glitter edges. Thanks for more inspiration!

    ~your Cricut Nerd friend
